OUR works

Loop Me (2009) ReMove Me (2010) W.A.V.E. 城市微幅 (2011)Off the Map 身體輿圖 (2012)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tour | Loop Me | Paris | 2011 ARCADI 大巴黎表演藝術推廣協會年度推薦焦點系列演出

 ARCADI 大巴黎表演藝術推廣協會年度推薦焦點系列-演出劇院,充滿歷史感的建築外觀。

ARCADI 年度推薦焦點系列演出張貼在人行道邊的大型宣傳海報。


劇院工作人員正在努力油漆Loop Me 最重要的演出道具之一,投影同時對位中。




Wednesday, February 16, 2011

News│蘇文琪、布拉瑞揚 舞亮歐美│聯合報何定照



台灣舞者、編舞家國際發光,曾獲台新藝術獎評審獎的蘇文琪,日前以「Loop Me」獲法國大巴黎Arcadi表演藝術推廣協會推薦為年度演出,是唯一亞洲團隊;編舞家布拉瑞揚二度獲瑪莎‧葛蘭姆舞團邀請重詮葛蘭姆經典,下月在美演出。


蘇文琪與聲音藝術家張永達、即時互動影像藝術家葉堅步合作的「Loop Me」,就是Arcadi從去年在法國各劇院深獲好評的節目中,選出的十六齣作品之一。獲選後,「Loop Me」日前已在劇院重演,獲不少巴黎策展人與觀眾讚賞,未來可望擴大巡演。

前年獲葛蘭姆舞團邀請重詮葛蘭姆經典「悲慟」、佳評如潮的布拉瑞揚,今年再度受邀新詮「死亡與入口」(Deaths and Entrances)。前天才編完舞的布拉瑞揚笑說,舞團藝術總監看了新作,維持他將原定15分鐘長度延伸為25分鐘的編創,並讚美不已。該作將於三月十六日、十九日在紐約林肯中心玫瑰劇場(Frederick P. Rose Hall)世界首演。



Friday, February 4, 2011

Tour | Loop Me| 2011 ARCADI 大巴黎表演藝術推廣協會年度推薦焦點系列


關於 ARCADI 大巴黎表演藝術推廣協會  http://www.arcadi.fr/

ach year Hors Saison gives us the opportunity to reiterate the need to give contemporary dance the visibility it deserves, and above all, to enable artists to bring their projects to life by giving them the chance to show their work. This year’s Hors Saison brings together various different approaches to movement and exploring the body; in their latest productions, artists such as Michèle Noiret, Wen-Chi Su, Mylène Benoit and Olivier Normand address danced movement in juxtaposition with video, sometimes playing with it, sometimes interacting with it ; others put dance back into a performance or even theatrical context, leaving room for script, like Stéphanie Aubin, Olivia Grandville, Fanny de Chaillé and Marco Berrettini; some, such as Edmond Russo and Shlomi Tuizer or Nacera Belaza, explore dance in what it can acquire in group energy or intoxication. And whether it involves group or solo pieces, Martin Bélanger, Vincent Dupont, Radhouane El Meddeb and Sylvain Prunenec take their work in a more introspective and sensitive direction. 


Once again, Hors Saison will describe a journey abounding with unique choreographic discoveries and suggestions. And for the first time this year, there is a new formula, principally at the Ferme du Buisson - the series of shows (from Friday evening to Saturday evening) will draw to a close at night with a Nuit Curieuse spéciale Hors Saison ! The event will be made up of short pieces and performances using the different areas of the location– their variety suggests the great diversity of these propositions. Choreographers and dancers from the entire event will be participating in this experiment, calling for a different relationship with dance, as well as, of course, a different relationship with the audience. It promises to be a festive night, multidisciplinary and full of discoveries, with the “usual” suggestions which make these Nuits Curieuses so successful, such as the “hot-pots”, massage workshops and outdoor showings, with a musical mood to bring the night to a close. This year we will also be hosting a workshop organised by Dominique Dupuy in partnership with the Ina and Micadanses, and with the Claude Sorin show which last year gave rise to the studios d’écoute at Micadanses.
Hors Saison is also a tour of Paris for spectators – the circuit starts off at the Ménagerie de Verre, then to the Ferme du Buisson, the Théâtre de la Cité internationale, ending up at the Théâtre de Vanves, weaving a chorographical journey through Paris with the diversity of the artists giving it a unique flavour.
We hope that all the pieces on offer will interest and please professionals and the general public alike! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

News│蘇文琪 從小劇場引爆的大震撼│PAR表演藝術雜誌編輯部

PAR表演藝術雜誌 特別企劃/2010 表演藝術回顧
Feature/PAR Review of the Year 2010

蘇文琪 從小劇場引爆的大震撼

文字 │ PAR表演藝術雜誌 編輯部

以上資料來自於 PAR表演藝術雜誌 2011. Feb. 第218期 P.86-87


PAR表演藝術雜誌 特別企劃/2010 表演藝術回顧
Feature/PAR Review of the Year 2010

 現象觀察之三  關於表演藝術與科技的對話

文字 │ 李惠美  國立中正文化中心企劃行銷部經理

以上資料來自於 PAR表演藝術雜誌 2011. Feb. 第218期 P.66-67