OUR works

Loop Me (2009) ReMove Me (2010) W.A.V.E. 城市微幅 (2011)Off the Map 身體輿圖 (2012)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tour Schedule of YiLab.

微幅 W.A.V.E.
數位表演藝術節 Digital Performing Arts Festival

微幅 - 返於生存之初 ReSet in WAVE (premiere)
國家劇院實驗劇場 Taiwan National Theatre _ Experimental theatre
2014/06/06 - 2014/06/08

Off the Mapexpo
World Stage Design Exhibition 2013, Cardiff, UK
2013/09/8 - 2013/09/14
W.A.V.E. (expo)
顫.動.感 _ 台灣數位藝術新視野
Tremble . Movement . Perception: The New Horizon of Taiwan New Media Art Exhibition
K11, HK, China
2012/12/02 - 2013/01/06

身體輿圖 Off the Map
Digital Performing Arts Festival 2012
The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung TAIWAN

身體輿圖 Off the Map (premiere)
舞蹈秋天 Dancing in Autumn 2012
國家劇院實驗劇場 National Theatre , Taipei TAIWAN

W.A.V.E. (expo)
DAC台北數位藝術中心, Taipei TAIWAN

Mapping Festival, Geneva SUISSE
11 May. 2012

W.A.V.E. (expo)
Outstanding New Media Award 2012
Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts (KDMOFA), Taipei TAIWAN
2 Mar.-22 Apr. 2012

W.A.V.E. (expo version for Berlin)
10-19 Feb. 2012

Loop Me
Made in Asia, Toulouse FRANCE
27 Jan. 2012

W.A.V.E. (premiere)
Hua-Shan Arts Festival, Taipei TAIWAN.
27-30 Oct. 2011

Loop Me
Potsdamer Tanztage, Potsdam GERMANY
4-5 Jun. 2011

Loop Me
Move Me Festival, Leuven BELGIUM
8-9 Mar. 2011

Loop Me
Arcadi Hors Sasion, Paris FRANCE
11-12 Feb. 2011

Loop Me
Taipei GU-Ling Theatre, Taipei TAIWAN
20-23 Jan. 2011

Loop Me
InShadow- Festival Internationale de Video, Performance e Tecnologias, Lisbon PORTUGAL.
8 Dec. 2010

Loop Me
Festival Avignon Off, FRANCE
8-30 July. 2010

ReMove Me (premiere)
Gu-Ling Theatre, Taipei TAIWAN
11-13 Jun. 2010

Loop Me
Rencontres Choregraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, FRANCE.
18 May. 2010

Loop Me
Guang-Du Arts Festival, Taiepi TAIWAN
3-4 Oct. 2009

Loop Me (premiere)
Gu-Ling international Theatre Festival, Taipei TAIWAN
15-17 May. 2009

Friday, March 2, 2012

Expo│W.A.V.E.│PRIZE: Outstanding New Media Award

2012 新媒體藝術卓越獎 Outstanding New Media Award 2012

展覽日期 Expo Dates:2012/03/02 - 2012/04/22
地點 Venue:關渡美術館 Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts (KDMOFA)
網址 Web Link:http://kdmofa.tnua.edu.tw/